17 August 2009

[18.08.09] Contentions.

Sadness is joy's lost fragment, if not its identical twin.
~ Bones

Mental Notes.
Demise: Thirteen Short Stories of Love and Misery DAY 107.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 1:12 AM

To motivate me further, I devised a handy jolt of initiative for myself for the book:
a black-and-white calendar of activities.

Last week, my writing for Demise got so bland that I wrote off two very short stories under the same context, only this time they didn't take that much prep time as these primadonna short stories for the book. The two, Bones and Sid's Discourse, are products of a bored evening, so I hope you get a hang of them. Hahaha. Click on the links on the names to read them.

Next, if I get the luxury of time, I will be off to writing the suspense short story Contentions.
Haha. Me 'contentions' ba kayo dun? :D

Off to revising Dahlia and Midnight. Haha. Goodluck! XD

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