14 September 2009

[15.09.08] Reduced to Increments.

[ r e d u c e d t o i n c r e m e n t s . ]

Hi. Kill me.
Hell week for
Demise, here we come.
(Kami ni Chino at ni Theia.)

date&time. 15 September, 12:13AM
location. Chino's apartment, Filipina
mood. Sane and energetic, luckily.
agenda. Type draft for 'Demise', edit images for the book.

the story.
Tuesday. I dread I'll have to mutate back to my student persona in a matter of hours. There is this staggering project me and my two-person production team have to accomplish this week - the completion of the draft for Demise: Thirteen Short Stories of Love and Misery (bold is bold, don't fight it). If you'll just take time into looking at some slow progress, here's some news:

We wrapped up the ninth story, Bid Me Goodbye.
Chino's swing illustration was tastefully done in complement
to the faux script story. (Trust me, when I meant the ninth, I didn't mean we're down to four more. ._.)

For some reason, I felt like making a fictional avenue in Los Angeles for the story. So there. Marseilles. I know it's a place in France,
but I'm geographically dumb, so yeah.


[ e x t r a c t i o n , p . 1 0 ]

(smiles, raises SLR camera to her eye)
Oh, smile to the camera, Jerry!

Jerry candidly smiled. The shot was perfect – a yellowed, sunny image of a man, the focus readjusted to blur the park background, with the right contrast of the sunray on his left, and a vibrant shade of light on his body. Belinda smiled, as with all the perfect shots she had ever taken.

(looks down flatly, scans and readjusts the controls of the camera)

I was a robot without you in my life, Jerry.
But routine loved me more than you did.


Fierce. Haha.
But revenge always gets things its way, so the story's more or less disappointing. I dunno. I guess I'm pessimistic at this point, but being a cynic does wonders, no?

Publishing date, here we come!
*enter Justice League music prompt*
